Chinese translation for "by mother teresa"
- 林啸 译
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | A book of letters written by mother teresa of calcutta - - now kolkata - - has revealed that she was deeply tormented about her faith and suffered periods of doubt about god 一本收集了德雷莎修女写过的信件书- - 。已经揭示了她深深地受自己信仰所折磨,并遭遇了在各个时期对上帝产生了怀疑而产生的痛苦。 | | 2. | After she failed for the first time she refused to talk to jesus for several weeks . then she mentioned a joke about getting married to jesus as told by mother teresa . naturally , though casually talking about such things , she invisibly blessed the late mother teresa and princess diana 于是师父幽默地讲起她考驾照的经历,以及她第一次因没考过,所以几个星期都不和耶稣讲话的过往趣事,然后也提到泰瑞莎修女讲过的一个关于和耶稣结婚的笑话,很自然,师父经由这样的方式,无形中也加持了已归天的泰瑞莎修女及黛安娜王妃。 |
- Similar Words:
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